
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Attributes of Successful People

Here is a gem I stumbled across.

Successful People…
Unsuccessful People…
Have a sense of gratitude
Have a sense of entitlement.
Forgive others.
Hold a grudge.
Give other people credit for their victories.
Take all the credit of their victories.
Accept responsibilities for their failures.
Blame others for their failures.
Read every day.
Watch TV every day.
Keep a journal.
Say they keep a journal but really don’t.
Talk about ideas.
Talk about people.
Want others to succeed.
Secretly hope others fail.
Share information and data.
Horde information and data.
Keep a “to-be” list.
Don’t know what they want to be.
Exude joy.
Exude anger.
Keep a “to-do/project list”.
Fly by the seat of their pants.
Continuously learn.
Think they already know everything.
Embrace change.
Fear change.
Operate from a transformational perspective.
Operate from a transactional perspective.

I believe its from this self-improvement book by Patrick Bet-David Doing The Impossible: The 25 Laws for Doing The Impossible
As we begin another school year, we need to always remember how important to help each other. I hope to revisit this from time to time.

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